Budget Billing
HCUD offers the “Budget Billing Program” to allow customers to pay their utility bill in 12 equal installments, thereby eliminating high payments during the winter months. The monthly payment amount is based on the average of the customer’s previous 12-month usage.
For the “Budget Billing Program” to be beneficial we can only allow customers to enroll in this program during March of each year. The 1st Budget Billing payment will begin May of each year.
In April, HCUD will reconcile what the “Budget Billing” customer has paid with what their actual gas usage has been over the previous 12 months. After reconciliation, if the account has a credit balance, the balance will rollover into the following years “Budget Balance” and there will not be a payment due for the month of April. Customers can request a refund of their credit balance, but this must be done during the month of April. If there is a balance due after reconciliation, the customer’s April payment will be for the amount the account is short. The customer can track their “Budget Billing” account balance each month via their bill or online at www.humphreyscountygas.com under Account Access.
All “Budget Billing” customers must make each monthly payment as agreed upon. HCUD will choose to discontinue a customer’s Budget Billing if the customer is delinquent twice during the Budget Billing period. Budget Billing period is May 1st thru April 30th. Budget Billing may be discontinued anytime during the Budget Billing year by notification from the customer.
You can enroll in Budget Billing by contacting our Customer Service Department at (931) 296-3204 or complete and submit the enrollment form online using the link below.
The Signup Period Runs March 1 through March 31. |
For questions or more information regarding our “Budget Billing Program” please Email our Customer Service Department or call us at (931) 296-3204.
- What is “Budget Billing”?
The “Budget Billing Program” is to allow customers to pay their utility bill in 12 equal installments, thereby eliminating high payments during the winter months.
- When are application accepted?
For the “Budget Billing Program” to be beneficial we can only allow customers to sign up for this program in March of each year.
- What are the eligibility criteria for “Budget Billing”?
One must reside at their “Service Address” for a minimum of 12-months.
- How is the “Budget Billing” amount determined?
The monthly payment amount is based on the average of the customer previous 12-month usage.
- How do I enroll in “Budget Billing”?
Applications are accepted March 1st through March 31st each year. You may enroll in the budget billing program by:
For questions, contact our Customer Service Department at (931) 296-3204 or visit our website at www.humphreyscountygas.com.
- When are “Budget Billing” accounts reconciled?
April is the reconciliation month for all Budget Billing accounts.
- When can I discontinue “Budget Billing”?
Budget billing may be discontinued during the year by notification from the customer.